Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Music Withdrawl

I recently took a trip to Thailand, (which you can read all about in my other blog: With Love, by Amanda) but the focus of this post is the musical experience I had while I was there. I always knew music was important, but until it was taken away from me, I did not realize how dependent I had become on it.

I was gone for two weeks, during which I had little to no access to a computer, or electricity for that matter. What this meant is that I had two 25+ hours on a plane, several long bus trips, and a lot of down time, all making their demands from my Ipod battery, with no chances of recharging it. 

I am an anxious traveler, and music is my way to escape or get out of a bad mood, so this was not a happy thought. I responsibly conserved power; listening only while I was trying to sleep on the plane, and allowing myself only 1 hour of music per bus trip. Each time I plugged my ears in it was a sweet relief, I instantly relaxed and my mind calmed. It worked, I had adequate battery for the long plane ride home and I am more inspired than ever to create more designs from my favorite songs.

Tomorrow I will be posting the design I just completed for “Light Outside”, by Wakey Wakey! “Breakable” by Ingrid Michealson is still in the works and will be posted within a week.  Have a good day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Fan, Jessica had the wonderful suggestion of making a shirt based on Ingrid Michelson's song "Breakable".  She will be getting the first shirt shipped to her as soon as it is ready, keep a look out for pictures! 

If you have suggestions for any shirts you would like to see let me know! We might just be able to make that happen. 

Spring Craft Fair

This is a little late, but I want to thank all of you who attended the Spring Craft Fair. We made it through the rain and it was a great success. If you missed it keep your eyes pealed for our next event.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Response: The Story Behind Industrial Food

I was so happy to see this story on Etsy, more people need to be aware of the effects our eating habits and industrial food practices are having on the environment, the animal, our bodies and our brains. I strongly believe this is a topic that all Americans need to become educated about. This is not an issue for animal rights activists or environmentalists, this is an issue for anyone who eats.

While I was glad to see if brought up on Etsy, (and anywhere else for that matter) there are a few more basic things that were left out that I think are critically important for people to understand.

1. There are rules called Veggie Libel laws which prevent anyone from criticizing or questioning they way food is prepared in America. I could literally be sued for explaining to you what goes into your hamburger. These were enacted to prevent false panic about food, however they have suppressed honest critique and allowed food companies to run rampant.

2. Plants or animals that are grow in empty soil or feed empty food (lacking nutrients) produce empty food. All conventionally produced food is grown this way and lacks a lot of the healthy stuff we think we are eating. If you are an Etsy seller you believe in the value of handmade because the love put into the products makes for better products, why would food not be the same?

3. Farm animals in America have no protection. There are animal right laws which prevent you from abusing your pets, or even a crow that is frustratingly squawking at 5:00am. However that chicken whose nuggets your daughter just ate, or the pig which produced the bacon for your BLT have no such protections. They are raised and treated in a way that is horrific, cruel and heartless, all so that we can get cheap meat. It is not life or death, we can all survive on less meat, in fact, we would be healthier if we cut our portions. But since we are willing to keep buying it as long as it stays cheap they continue to do whatever it takes to produce it at that price, including debeaking chickens, cutting the tails off pigs and keeping cows in pens knee deep in manure.

I encourage everyone to become educated about the food they put into their bodies, because honestly, none of us can afford not to be. Please pass this along, and leave with the knowledge that you can make a difference. Read about it, watch documentaries, educate yourself. (I suggest starting with Michael Pollen's Omnivore's Dilemma or Food Inc) Every time you buy food, you are supporting something. Ethical, healthy food raised transparently and honestly? Or cruel, unhealthy food raised behind locked doors? It's your choice, and you make it three times a day. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Setting Up Shop

Wow, I'm tired.

I am officially setting up shop for my T-Shirt business, T's Me Designs. We are on Etsy, Facebook, Twitter, Flikr and now we have a blog. I will be creating a monthly newsletter, so please email me at: if you would like to be added to the mailing list. I promise not to spam you, but there will be monthly promotions and discounts, which let's face it, we all love.

I am so excited to share this process with everyone, to get back to making my t-shirts, and for tonight, to go to bed. So for now, that is all she wrote. Have a good night everyone!